Defence (Difesa)
Translation into Italian
The METDEF (Metabolic engineering of triterpenoid pathways involved in plant defence in Arabidopsis and rice) project has developed a toolkit containing genes and enzymes for construction of triterpenoid glycosides in some cereals.
Il progetto METDEF (Metabolic engineering of triterpenoid pathways involved in plant defence in Arabidopsis and rice) ha sviluppato un kit di strumenti contenenti geni ed enzimi per la costruzione di glicosidi triterpenoidi in alcuni cereali.
Data source: ELRC-CORDIS_Results_v1 After recovery, he served in No. 39 (Home Defence) Squadron.
Al rientro, ha servito nel No. 39 (Home Defence) Squadron.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 Myanmar Defence Products Industry aka Myanma Defence Products Industry.
Myanmar Defence Products Industry alias Myanma Defence Products Industry.
Data source: DGT_v2019 It defines important events and defence plans.
Tutto ciò definisce importanti eventi e piani di difesa.
Data source: ELRC-1123-CORDIS_Results_Brief_v1 The common security and defence policy shall include the progressive framing of a common Union defence policy.
La politica di sicurezza e di difesa comune comprende la graduale definizione di una politica di difesa comune dell' Unione.
Data source: ECB_v1 Therefore, the applicant’s argument in defence that the opponent had not hitherto invoked or had not hitherto been able to prevent the actual use of the contested mark in the relevant territory cannot succeed (29/03/2011, C-96/09 P, Bud, EU: C:2011:189, § 191, 193).
Pertanto, l’argomentazione di difesa del richiedente, secondo cui l’opponente non aveva sino ad allora invocato o non aveva potuto sino ad allora impedire l’utilizzo effettivo del marchio contestato nel territorio di riferimento, non può essere accolta (29/03/2011, C-96/09 P, Bud, EU: C:2011:189, § 191, 193).
Data source: ELRC-EUIPO_2017_v1 The tip supports his defence.
La soffiata supporta la sua difesa.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018