Translation of "Crying" into Italian
Crying / Pianto
Female Narrator: Women come to us, and they are crying and scared.
Narratore femminile: Le donne vengono da noi, piangendo, e sono spaventate.
Data source: TED2013_v1.1 We were crying, we couldn’t see anything because of how much we were crying.
Piangevamo, non siamo riusciti a vedere nulla a causa di quanto piangevamo.
Data source: GlobalVoices_v2018q4 Crying and praying and beating it.
Piangendo e pregando e battendola.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Takumi and Natsuki see each other but Takumi runs away, while Natsuki falls to the ground crying.
Takumi e Natsuki si vedono ma Takumi corre via, mentre Natsuki cade a terra piangendo.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Instead of taking action, we are crying and shouting like old women.
Anziché intervenire, piangiamo e gridiamo come donne anziane.
Data source: Europarl_v8 And one of them started crying her name is Yahara.
Una di loro ha iniziato a piangere, si chiama Yahara.
Data source: TED2020_v1 In the dream I was crying and crying.
Nel sogno ho pianto e pianto.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1