Translation of "Cruiser" into Italian
Cruiser / Incrociatore
She fired two salvoes for a total of nine common pointed, capped shells at the battlecruiser SMS Derfflinger about 19:17, but had to turn away at 19:22 to avoid an attack by destroyers and then had to turn to avoid the ships of the 1st Light Cruiser and 2nd Cruiser Squadrons.
Sparò due bordate per un totale di nove proiettili comuni contro l'incrociatore SMS Derfflinger verso le 19:17, ma dovette tornare indietro alle19:22 per evitare un attacco dei cacciatorpediniere e poi dovette virare per evitare le navi del 1st Light Cruiser e del 2nd Cruiser Squadron.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 What Is a Pocket Cruiser?
Che cosa è un Pocket Cruiser?
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 All motorcycle _ Keeway _ Cruiser.
Tutte le moto _ Keeway _ Cruiser.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 I mean, this is hardly a Toyota Land Cruiser, is it?
Cioe', questo non e' proprio un Toyota Land Cruiser?
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 Under Shriver, the product line was expanded with the introduction of the PA-14 Family Cruiser and PA-15 Vagabond.
Sotto Shriver la produzione si espanse con il PA-14 Family Cruiser e il PA-15 Vagabond.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 What is a Beach Cruiser?
Che cosa è un Beach Cruiser?
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 There's no way Fran Tabuto murdered P. T. Cruiser.
È impossibile che Fran Tabuto abbia ucciso P. T. Cruiser.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018