Translation of "Crown" into Italian
Crown / Corona
- tiara
- diadem
- headpiece
- regalia
The king wears a crenellated crown.
Il re indossa una corona merlata.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Hart was the first man to win both the WWF and WCW Triple Crown Championships.
Hart è stato il primo wrestler a vincere sia il WWF che il WCW Triple Crown Championship.
Data source: Wikipedia_v1.0 Other divisions within the Group include Crown World Mobility, Crown Records Management, Crown Fine Art, Crown Logistics and Crown Wine Cellars.
Le divisioni del gruppo Crown Worldwide sono Crown Relocations, Crown Fine Arts, Crown Records Management, Crown Logistics e Crown Wine Cellars.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Drawings of combustion chamber and piston crown.
Disegni della camera di combustione e della testa del pistone.
Data source: DGT_v2019 The theme music was Crown Imperial by William Walton.
Il tema musicale è Crown Imperial di William Walton.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 The Royalton Casino is a small gaming casino located at the Crown Point Beach Hotel in Crown Point.
Il Casinò Royalton a Tobago si trova vicino alla Crown Point Beach Hotel a Crown Point.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 In particular, as to minimum funding requirements, UKCTA stresses that, by exempting schemes which are covered by the Crown guarantee from the 1995 and 2004 regulatory requirements, the United Kingdom deliberately renounced the possibility to reduce its exposure under the Crown guarantee.
In particolare, per quanto concerne i requisiti in materia di fondi minimi, UKCTA ribadisce che, esonerando i regimi coperti da garanzia di Stato dai requisiti normativi del 1995 e del 2004, il Regno Unito ha deliberatamente rinunciato alla possibilità di ridurre la propria esposizione derivante da tale garanzia.
Data source: DGT_v2019