Translation of "Commission" into Italian
Commission / Commissione
- agent
- assignment
- committee
- delegation
- task force
The Commission adhered closely to its declared timetable.
La Commissione rispetta rigorosamente le scadenze dichiarate.
Data source: ELRC-CORDIS_News_v1 Commission steps up fight against money laundering.
La Commissione intensifica la lotta contro il riciclaggio di denaro.
Data source: ELRC_3382_v1 PG&E is overseen by the California Public Utilities Commission.
La PG&E è supervisionata dalla California Public Utilities Commission.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 In other policy areas, the Commission can usually create balance among the states, but in this one, the G6 has a great deal of influence over the Commission.
In altri settori, la Commissione può di solito creare un equilibrio tra gli stati, ma in questo caso il G6 ha una grande influenza sulla Commissione.
Data source: Wikipedia_v1.0 The whole section is within woods, now owned by the Forestry Commission.
L'intera sezione è situata tra gli alberi, oggi di proprietà della Forestry Commission.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 The Commission will bear the limited costs.
La Commissione sosterrà i limitati costi.
Data source: ELRC-2871-EU_publications_medi_v1 The Commission's proposal sees members of the scientific council appointed by the Commission.
Secondo la proposta della Commissione i membri del consiglio scientifico vengono nominati dalla Commissione stessa.
Data source: ELRC-CORDIS_News_v1