Translation of "Cole" into Italian
Cole / Coleottero
Cole Sins has not posted anything yet.
Cole Sins non ha pubblicato ancora nulla.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 After the match, Kanellis, Bennett and Bob attacked Cole and Edwards, but were stopped by Sara Del Rey.
Dopo il match, Kanellis, Bennett, Bob hanno attaccato Cole e Edwards, ma è stato fermati da Sara Del Rey.
Data source: Wikipedia_v1.0 Me and Cole, Cole and me.
Io e Cole, Cole ed io.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 Year Artist 1968 Bobbie Gentry 1980 Christopher Cross 1985 Cyndi Lauper 1989 Tracy Chapman 1991 Mariah Carey 1998 Paula Cole 2002 India.Arie 2008 Amy Winehouse 2013 Fun.
Anno Artista 1968 Bobbie Gentry 1980 Christopher Cross 1985 Cyndi Lauper 1989 Tracy Chapman 1991 Mariah Carey 1998 Paula Cole 2002 India.Arie 2008 Amy Winehouse 2013 Fun.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Swagger ended his partnership with Cole on the May 16 episode of Raw, after Cole insulted him.
Swagger concluse la sua alleanza con Cole il 16 maggio a Raw, dopo che Cole lo aveva insultato.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 He is the brother of famous Jazz musician Nat King Cole, and the father of Lionel Cole and the uncle of Natalie Cole.
È il fratello dei musicisti Nat King Cole e Ike Cole, nonché il padre di Lionel Cole e lo zio di Natalie Cole.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Cole Cole Carlton (Attack - Not available).
ColeCole Carlton (Attaccante - Non disponibile).
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9