Translation of "By" into Italian
By / Di
G. whereas the measures taken by governments should always respect the fundamental rights of each and every individual; whereas these measures should be necessary, proportional and temporary.
G. considerando che le misure adottate dai governi dovrebbero sempre rispettare i diritti fondamentali di tutti gli individui; che tali misure dovrebbero essere necessarie, proporzionate e temporanee.
Data source: ELRC-EUROPARL_covid_v1 It may provide such evidence by making a reference to a relevant online source recognised by the Office.
Può addurre tali prove facendo riferimento a una fonte online pertinente riconosciuta dall’Ufficio.
Data source: ELRC-EUIPO_2017_v1 List of major opera composers List of operas by title The opera corpus (sorted by composer).
List of major opera composers List of operas by title The opera corpus (ordinata per compositore).
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Summary table by MFF heading.
Tabella riepilogativa per rubrica del QFP.
Data source: ELRC-2871-EU_publications_medi_v1 Official website Essure Procedure by Erin Brockovich.
Sito ufficiale statunitense Essure Procedure by Erin Brockovich.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Wardak (led by ISAF) Gardez (led by USA) Kandahar (led by USA) Herat (led by Italy) Mazar-e-Sharif (led by Germany) Khost (led by USA).
Wardak (guidato dall'ISAF) Gardez (guidato dagli USA) Kandahar (guidato dagli USA) Herat (guidato dall'Italia) Mazar-e-Sharif (guidato dalla Germania) Khost (guidato dagli USA).
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 The request has to be filed by the party affected by the time limit.
La richiesta deve essere presentata dalla parte interessata entro il termine.
Data source: ELRC-2020-EUIPO_2017_v1