Affectionately (Affettuosamente)
Translation into Italian
I went to Yale for graduate school, studied in a building of this style by Le Corbusier, affectionately known in our business as Brutalism.
Andai a Yale per gli studi post-laurea, studiavo in un edificio in questo stile di Le Corbusier, noto affettuosamente nel nostro business come Brutalismo.
Data source: NeuLab-TedTalks_v1 Early this morning, the President received word of an incident on the college campus of his oldest son Standrich, known by all of us, affectionately, as Skip.
Questa mattina presto, il Presidente ha saputo di un incidente al campus di suo figlio maggiore Standrich, affettuosamente noto a tutti come Skip.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 Announcing the happy news on his blog, Robbie Williams wrote: Praise be, it’s Theodora Rose Williams, affectionately known as Teddy.
Robbie Williams ha dato l'annuncio tramite il suo sito ufficiale: Praise be, it's Theodora Rose Williams, affectionately known as Teddy.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Goppion affectionately remembers Umberto Eco.
Goppion ricorda con affetto Umberto Eco.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Her parents affectionately dubbed her Toutou after her title.
I suoi genitori la soprannominarono affettuosamente Toutou dopo il suo titolo.
Data source: WikiMatrix_v1 Jean-Luc affectionately referred to her as "Maman".
Jean-Luc la chiamava affettuosamente "Maman".
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 "Monsignor" how Salvadorans still affectionately call him, became an iconic figure in the fight for human rights and against military violence in El Salvador and Latin America.
"Monsignor", come lo chiamano ancora affettuosamente i salvadoregni, è diventato una figura iconica nella lotta per i diritti umani e contro la violenza militare in El Salvador e in America Latina.
Data source: ELRC-5219-COVID_19_Parallel_v1