School (Schule)
Translation into German
It would be interesting to know how many of those at Beijing’s Central Party School - the party’s main educational institute - believe that the Chinese state is about to wither away, or ever will.
Es wäre interessant, zu erfahren, wie viele an der Zentralen Parteischule in Peking - dem wichtigsten Schulungsorgan der Partei - daran glauben, dass der chinesische Staat davor steht, zu verschwinden, oder es jemals tun wird.
Data source: News-Commentary_v16 The positive implications for European school systems are enormous.
Die positiven Konsequenzen für europäische Schulsysteme sind enorm.
Data source: ELRC-CORDIS_Results_v1 We had primary school actually started in 1842.
Wir haben mit der Grundschule schon 1842 angefangen.
Data source: TED2013_v1.1 Traditionally they are open during school holidays.
Sie sind traditionell offen während der Schulferien.
Data source: ELRA-W0201_v1 Live from Roosevelt High School.
Live von der Roosevelt High School.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 Thanks to STRIDE, however, Gul started high school in September 2017.
Dank STRIDE konnte Gul allerdings im September 2017 diese höhere Schule besuchen.
Data source: News-Commentary_v16 You had to go to school.
Du musstest in die Schule.
Data source: TED2020_v1 Synonyms
- academy
- college
- institution
- university
- educational facility