Translation of "Handwriting" into German
Handwriting / Handschrift
- inscription
- script
- penmanship
You are here: Ahrwein-Shop > Handwriting Handwriting.
Sie sind hier: Ahrwein-Shop > Spätburgunder.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9 Do you know whose handwriting this is?
Weißt du, wessen Schrift das ist?
Data source: Tatoeba_v2022-03-03 This doesn't look like Tom's handwriting.
Das sieht nicht nach Toms Handschrift aus.
Data source: Tatoeba_v2022-03-03 Tom has very nice handwriting.
Tom hat eine sehr schöne Handschrift.
Data source: Tatoeba_v2022-03-03 Tom couldn't read his own handwriting.
Tom konnte seine eigene Handschrift nicht lesen.
Data source: Tatoeba_v2022-03-03 She has very neat handwriting.
Sie hat eine sehr schöne Handschrift.
Data source: Tatoeba_v2022-03-03 MyScript Stylus - Handwriting Keyboard on the App Store.
MyScript Stylus - Handwriting Keyboard im App Store.
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9