Translation of "Costume" into German
Costume / Kostüm
- apparel
- attire
- ensemble
- garb
- outfit
Do you like my new Halloween costume?
Gefällt dir mein neues Halloweenkostüm?
Data source: Tatoeba_v2022-03-03 Why aren't you wearing a costume?
Warum trägst du kein Kostüm?
Data source: Tatoeba_v2022-03-03 Costume designs (Selection) ==* 2005: one plus one, choreographer: Christine Gaigg, Tanz Theater Wien.
Kostümentwürfe (Auswahl) ==* 2005: one plus one, Choreographie: Christine Gaigg, Tanz Theater Wien.
Data source: Wikipedia_v1.0 Buy Child 's Bathing Costume Shimmer and Shine 72834.
Kaufen Sie Badeanzug für Kinder Shimmer and Shine 72834.
Data source: XLEnt_v1.2 An International Textiles and Costume Congress.
Einen internationalen Textil und Kostüm Kongress.
Data source: XLEnt_v1.2 From 1855 he was the costume director of the Munich Hoftheater.
Ab 1855 war er Kostümbildner des Münchner Hoftheaters.
Data source: Wikipedia_v1.0 Customer rating about "Civil War - Costume".
Kundenbewertungen zu "Civil War - Costume".
Data source: ParaCrawl_v9