Translation of "Cherry" into German
Cherry / Kirsche
Sour cherry extract according to example 1.
Sauerkirschextrakt nach Beispiel 1.
Data source: EuroPat_v3 Dr. Mooi believes this to be the case, but not Dr. Cherry.
Dr. Mooi glaubt das dies der Fall ist, aber nicht Dr. Cherry.
Data source: QED_v2.0a The district is a nine-block area, roughly bounded by East Broadway, Market Street, Cherry Street, Catherine Street, Madison Street, and St. James Place.
Er umfasst neun Blocks, die sich zwischen East Broadway, Market Street, Cherry Street, Catherine Street, Madison Street und St. James Place.
Data source: Wikipedia_v1.0 Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point.
Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point.
Data source: LinguaTools-WikiTitles_v2014 At the University's School of Medicine are the Wendell Cherry Chair in Clinical Trial Research and The Wendell Cherry Chair in Cancer Translational Research.
An der dortigen School of Medicine erinnern an ihn der Wendell Cherry Chair in Clinical Trial Research und der The Wendell Cherry Chair in Cancer Translational Research.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Apple juice, clear Apple juice, cloudy Apricot juice Pear juice Grapefruit juice Redcurrant juice Blackcurrant juice Cherry juice Orange juice Grape juice, black Grape juice, white Plum juice.
Apfelsaft, klar Apfelsaft, trüb Aprikosensaft Birnensaft Grapefruitsaft Johannisbeersaft, rot Johannisbeersaft, schwarz Kirschsaft Orangensaft Traubensaft, rot Traubensaft, weiß.
Data source: EUbookshop_v2 You are pretty like a cherry blossom.
Du bist hübsch wie die Kirschblüte.
Data source: Tatoeba_v2022-03-03