Translation of "Calculated" into German
Calculated / Berechnet
- deliberate
- intentional
- measured
- planned
- premeditated
Is it true that you calculated this without a calculator?
Stimmt es, dass du das ohne einen Taschenrechner ausgerechnet hast?
Data source: Tatoeba_v2022-03-03 Can the Commission tell me how much the Commission has claimed back and received as compared with the losses calculated, especially in the case of own resources in the EAGGF and in the Structural Funds?
Kann mir die Kommission angeben, wie viel sie zurückgefordert und erhalten hat im Vergleich zu den errechneten Verlusten, besonders bei den Eigenmitteln im EAGFL und in den Strukturfonds?
Data source: Europarl_v8 The average Community share shall be calculated by the Commission on the basis of information regularly provided to it by Member States.
Die durchschnittliche Gemeinschaftsquote wird von der Kommission auf der Grundlage der Informationen berechnet, die die Mitgliedstaaten ihr regelmäßig übermitteln.
Data source: JRC-Acquis_v3.0 Similar benefits were calculated in the UK.
Ähnliche Vorteile wurden für Großbritannien errechnet.
Data source: ELRC-CORDIS_News_v1 Yield: 81% of the calculated amount.
Ausbeute: 81% der berechneten Menge.
Data source: EuroPat_v3 Absolute bioavailability has been calculated as between 64% and 80%.
Die absolute Bioverfügbarkeit liegt zwischen 64% und 80%.
Data source: ELRC_2682_v1 2007D0007 EN 12.05.2010 003.001 42 B The gross value of the AS 's euro cash settlement transactions shall be calculated by the ASCB once a year on the basis of such gross value during the previous year and the calculated gross value shall be applied for calculating the fee as from 1 January of each calendar year.
2007D0007 DE 12.05.2010 003.001 42 B The gross value of the AS 's euro cash settlement transactions shall be calculated by the ASCB once a year on the basis of such gross value during the previous year and the calculated gross value shall be applied for calculating the fee as from 1 January of each calendar year.
Data source: ECB_v1