Translation of "Behind" into German
Behind / Hinter
Behind closed doors, the talks centred on Ukraine and Syria, the Iranian nuclear programme and the Middle East peace process.
Hinter verschlossenen Türen ging es um die Ukraine und Syrien, das iranische Atomprogramm und den Friedensprozess in Nahost.
Data source: ELRC-642-Federal_Foreign_Berl_v1 The EU's response will be global so that no one is left behind.
Die Reaktion der EU wird global sein, damit niemand zurückgelassen wird.
Data source: ELRC_3382_v1 Ireland has lagged behind so far in tackling decarbonisation.
Irland liegt bislang bei der Dekarbonisierung zurück.
Data source: ELRC-EUR_LEX_v1 Year Title Role 2002 It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie Himself, cameo 2007 The Union: The Business Behind Getting High Himself 2007 American Drug War: The Last White Hope Himself 2010 DMT: The Spirit Molecule Himself 2010 Venus & Vegas Richie 2011 Zookeeper Gale 2012 Here Comes the Boom Himself 2017 Bright Himself.
Jahr Titel Rolle 2002 It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie Er selbst, Cameo 2007 The Union: The Business Behind Getting High Er selbst 2007 American Drug War: The Last White Hope Er selbst 2010 DMT: The Spirit Molecule Er selbst 2010 Venus & Vegas Richie 2011 Zookeeper Gale 2012 Here Comes the Boom Er selbst 2017 Bright Er selbst.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Evelyn and I hid behind my mother.
Evelyn und ich versteckten uns hinter meiner Mutter.
Data source: NeuLab-TedTalks_v1 Empty pores are left behind.
Es bleiben die leeren Poren zurück.
Data source: EuroPat_v3 Innovation is the driving force behind OSIRIS.
Innovation ist die treibende Kraft hinter OSIRIS.
Data source: ELRC-1117-CORDIS_News_v1