Meaning & Definition of Viola in English
A stringed musical instrument slightly larger than a violin.
/viˈoʊlə/Part of Speech:
violasDetailed Definitions
Definition: A stringed musical instrument of the violin family, slightly larger than a violin, with a rich and mellow sound.
Example Sentence: She played the viola beautifully in the string quartet.
Definition: A genus of flowering plants in the violet family, commonly known as violets.
Example Sentence: The garden was filled with vibrant viola flowers.
Origin: Late Middle English: from Latin 'viola' meaning 'violet'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
- viola!: An exclamation used to call attention to something, often used informally to indicate that something has been accomplished or revealed.
- Spanish: viola
- French: alto
- German: Bratsche
- Russian: альт
Related Words
- violin: A string instrument played with a bow, smaller than the viola.
- cellist: A person who plays the cello, which is a larger string instrument than the viola.
Slang Meanings of viola
Meaning: Used to denote something done with ease or flair.
Example Sentence: She nailed that performance, just like viola!
Meaning: An expression of satisfaction upon finishing a task.
Example Sentence: I finished my project, viola!