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Meaning & Definition of Tendency in English





1. An attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others

  • "He had an inclination to give up too easily"
  • "A tendency to be too strict"
  • inclination,
  • disposition,
  • tendency

2. An inclination to do something

  • "He felt leanings toward frivolity"
  • leaning,
  • propensity,
  • tendency

3. A characteristic likelihood of or natural disposition toward a certain condition or character or effect

  • "The alkaline inclination of the local waters"
  • "Fabric with a tendency to shrink"
  • tendency,
  • inclination

4. A general direction in which something tends to move

  • "The shoreward tendency of the current"
  • "The trend of the stock market"
  • tendency,
  • trend

Examples of using

You've got to fight that tendency of yours.
Tom has a tendency to exaggerate.
The human tendency to regard little things as important has produced very many great things.