

Meaning & Definition

A discourse or speech delivered for the purpose of religious instruction or exhortation.
The pastor delivered a powerful sermon that inspired many in the congregation.
A serious talk on a moral or religious topic, often intended to teach or admonish.
After the meeting, he gave a sermon about the importance of honesty in business.
A long or tedious speech, often one that seems preachy or moralizing.
She often feels overwhelmed when her boss gives a sermon instead of just getting to the point.


Middle English, from Old French 'sermoun', from Latin 'sermō', meaning 'discourse'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

fire and brimstone sermon
A sermon that emphasizes the consequences of sin, often with vivid imagery.
sermon on the mount
A biblical passage showcasing Jesus' teachings, often considered a model for moral principles.
preach to the choir
To speak about something to people who already agree with you.

Related Words

A sermon, especially on a biblical topic.
Written or spoken communication or debate.
A significant statement or communication, often conveying moral or religious ideas.

Slang Meanings

To give a long-winded speech or lecture.
Stop preaching at me; I just want to watch the game.
To deliver unsolicited advice.
He always loves to sermonize about how I should run my life.