Meaning & Definition of Rather in English
1. On the contrary
- "Rather than disappoint the children, he did two quick tricks before he left"
- "He didn't call
- Rather (or instead), he wrote her a letter"
- "Used english terms instead of latin ones"
- rather,
- instead
2. To some (great or small) extent
- "It was rather cold"
- "The party was rather nice"
- "The knife is rather dull"
- "I rather regret that i cannot attend"
- "He's rather good at playing the cello"
- "He is kind of shy"
- rather,
- kind of,
- kinda,
- sort of
3. More readily or willingly
- "Clean it well, preferably with warm water"
- "I'd rather be in philadelphia"
- "I'd sooner die than give up"
- preferably,
- sooner,
- rather
4. To a degree (not used with a negative)
- "Quite tasty"
- "Quite soon"
- "Quite ill"
- "Quite rich"
- quite,
- rather
Examples of using
The history of some words is a real masterpiece. For instance, kaput. The original word was the Latin "caput" - "a head"; and the way from "a head" to "the end of everything" is rather long.
I don't feel well and would rather stay at home today.
I'd rather have ice cream.