

Meaning & Definition

Energetically boisterous and disorderly.
The rambunctious puppy ran around the house, knocking over furniture in its excitement.
Full of lively energy; rowdy.
The rambunctious children laughed and played during recess, making it hard for the teachers to keep them in line.
Unruly; uncontrollable.
Despite their best efforts, the parents found it challenging to manage their rambunctious teenagers.


Derived from a blend of the words 'ramble,' 'bump,' and possibly influenced by 'tumultuous'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

rambunctious youth:
Refers to young people full of energy and often causing disruption.
rambunctious party:
A party that is lively and noisy, often with uncontrollable fun.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Full of energy and mischief.
That dog is so rambunctious, he can’t sit still for a second!
Out of control; acting wildly.
The kids were really rambunctious at the birthday party, jumping on the furniture.