Meaning & Definition of word "Prose"






    • 1. Written or spoken language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure; not poetry.
      • Example: The author's prose is known for its clarity and vivid imagery.
    • 2. A form or technique of writing that is distinguished from poetry by its more straightforward and direct expression.
      • Example: She prefers to write in prose rather than poetry because she feels more comfortable with structured narratives.
    • 3. Any literary work that is not poetry.
      • Example: His latest book is a collection of short stories that showcase his exceptional prose.


    Derived from the Latin 'prosa', meaning 'straightforward' or 'direct'.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    prose and cons:

    A phrase referring to the advantages and disadvantages of something.

    prose poem:

    A piece of writing that is composed in prose but exhibits poetic qualities.

    plain prose:

    Writing that is clear and straightforward, without embellishments.

    Related Words


    A literary form that uses rhythmic and metrical structure, often with aesthetic qualities.


    A spoken or written account of connected events; a story.


    Literature that describes imaginary events and people.

    Slang Meanings of prose

    Meaning: Everyday language or straightforward communication.

    Example Sentence: Let's cut the prose and get straight to the point.

    Meaning: Traditional or standard writing style, as opposed to slang or colloquial speech.

    Example Sentence: She put it in prose instead of using any slang.