Meaning & Definition of Pronoun in English
A word that substitutes for a noun.
/ˈproʊnaʊn/Part of Speech:
pronounsDetailed Definitions
Definition: A word used to replace a noun in a sentence, often indicating the noun's person, number, gender, or case.
Example Sentence: In the sentence 'She loves apples,' 'she' is a pronoun.
Definition: Pronouns can be classified into categories such as personal, possessive, reflexive, and relative.
Example Sentence: The pronoun 'my' shows possession.
Definition: Used to avoid repetition of a noun throughout a text.
Example Sentence: Instead of repeating 'Kevin,' we can use the pronoun 'he' to refer to him.
Origin: From Latin 'pronomen', where 'pro' means 'for' and 'nomen' means 'name'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
- personal pronoun: Refers to specific persons or things (he, she, it, etc.).
- demonstrative pronoun: Points to specific things (this, that).
- relative pronoun: Introduces relative clauses (who, which, that).
- Spanish: pronombre
- French: pronom
- German: Fürwort
- Russian: местоимение
Related Words
- antecedent: The noun a pronoun refers to.
- reflexive pronoun: Refers back to the subject (myself, yourself).
- possessive pronoun: Indicates ownership (mine, yours).
Slang Meanings of pronoun
Meaning: Used in gender discussions to indicate someone’s identity.
Example Sentence: People might ask for your pronouns to respect your identity.
Meaning: Slang shorthand for preferred gender pronouns.
Example Sentence: My pronouns are she/her, so please use them.