Meaning & Definition of word "Miraculous"




  • 1. Occurring through divine or supernatural intervention, or in a way that is extraordinary or unexplainable.
    • Example: The doctors were amazed by the miraculous recovery of the patient, who was once considered terminally ill.
  • 2. Relating to, or having the characteristics of a miracle.
    • Example: She told a miraculous story about how she survived the accident against all odds.
  • 3. Highly improbable and bringing very welcome consequences.
    • Example: Winning the lottery felt like a miraculous event in her otherwise ordinary life.


Late Middle English: from Latin 'miraculosus', from 'miraculum' meaning 'a miracle'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

miraculous recovery:

A sudden and unexpected improvement in health.

miraculous event:

An occurrence that seems beyond natural laws and is often attributed to divine intervention.

Related Words


An extraordinary event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws.


A feeling of amazement and admiration, caused by something beautiful, remarkable, or unfamiliar.

Slang Meanings of miraculous

Meaning: Awesome to the point of disbelief.

Example Sentence: That performance was so good, it was miraculous!

Meaning: A surprising and delightful occurrence.

Example Sentence: Finding that perfect outfit at a sale felt miraculous.