Meaning & Definition of Locust in English
A type of short-horned grasshopper known for swarming and causing agricultural damage.
/ˈloʊ.kəst/Part of Speech:
locustsDetailed Definitions
Definition: Any of a family of flying insects that can form large swarms and cause extensive agricultural damage.
Example Sentence: The locusts invaded the fields, stripping the crops bare.
Definition: A specific species of grasshopper that undergoes a transformation in behavior and morphology when population density increases.
Example Sentence: The desert locust is known to change its behavior when in swarms.
Definition: A reference in the Bible, symbolizing destruction or plague.
Example Sentence: The locusts were one of the plagues sent upon Egypt.
Origin: Middle English, from Old French 'locus', from Latin 'locusta'.
grasshopperinsectplague insect
Common Phrases and Expressions
- locust years: Years characterized by devastating swarms of locusts.
- like a locust swarm: Describes a destructive or overwhelming occurrence.
- Spanish: langosta
- French: sauterelle
- German: Heuschrecke
- Russian: саранча
Related Words
- grasshopper: A related insect that does not swarm.
- swarm: A large group of insects or animals moving together.
- plague: A widespread disease or destructive force.
Slang Meanings of locust
Meaning: To swarm or invade excessively.
Example Sentence: They locusted the beach, taking over all the space.