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Meaning & Definition of Length in English





1. The linear extent in space from one end to the other

  • The longest dimension of something that is fixed in place
  • "The length of the table was 5 feet"
  • length

2. Continuance in time

  • "The ceremony was of short duration"
  • "He complained about the length of time required"
  • duration,
  • length

3. The property of being the extent of something from beginning to end

  • "The editor limited the length of my article to 500 words"
  • length

4. Size of the gap between two places

  • "The distance from new york to chicago"
  • "He determined the length of the shortest line segment joining the two points"
  • distance,
  • length

5. A section of something that is long and narrow

  • "A length of timber"
  • "A length of tubing"
  • length

Examples of using

The shape of the fingernails and their length is such a personal matter that as a result it's difficult to give advice.
An equilateral triangle has three sides of equal length.
We'll go to any length to send our child to a good university.