Meaning & Definition of Knave in English
A deceitful or untrustworthy person.
/neɪv/Part of Speech:
knavesDetailed Definitions
Definition: A dishonest or unscrupulous person.
Example Sentence: The knave tricked the villagers into giving him money.
Definition: A male servant or attendant, specifically in card games (historically referring to a servant to a knight).
Example Sentence: In the deck of cards, the knave is represented as the jack.
Definition: A rogue or scoundrel, often used in literature and poetry.
Example Sentence: He was considered a knave for his treachery against his friends.
Origin: Middle English 'knave', meaning 'boy, servant; later, dishonest person', from Old Norse 'knapi', meaning 'boy, lad'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
- knave's game: A dishonest or deceitful pursuit.
- knave in the hole: A situation where someone is secretly undermining or cheating.
- knave at heart: Someone who may appear honest but is deceitful.
- Spanish: canalla
- French: fripon
- German: schurke
- Russian: негодяй
Related Words
- rascal: A mischievous or cheeky person, often in an endearing way.
- villain: A character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot.
Slang Meanings of knave
Meaning: A trickster or swindler.
Example Sentence: He's such a knave, always trying to pull a fast one on his friends.
Meaning: An unreliable person.
Example Sentence: You can't trust him; he's a total knave.