Meaning & Definition
The basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.
The country's infrastructure, including roads and bridges, is in desperate need of repair.
The underlying foundation or basic framework, especially of a system or organization.
The infrastructure of the network is designed to support high-speed data transmission.
The resources and services that an economy or society relies on.
Investment in infrastructure can boost economic growth and improve quality of life.
From French 'infrastructure', from 'infra-' meaning 'below' + 'structure'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
infrastructure development:
The process of building and improving infrastructure.
critical infrastructure:
Essential systems that support the functioning of a society.
infrastructure investment:
Funds allocated to improve infrastructure.
Slang Meanings
Big structures that hold everything up.
Without good infrastructure, we're in deep trouble!
The behind-the-scenes stuff that makes everything work.
These upgrades are key infrastructure to keep the internet running smoothly.