

Meaning & Definition

A sound made by an owl, or a similar sound.
The hoot of the owl echoed through the forest at night.
A loud laugh or shout, especially of derision.
When he told the joke, the audience let out a hoot of laughter.
An expression of amusement or disbelief.
Her ridiculous explanation got a hoot from the crowd.
To make the characteristic sound of an owl.
We could hear the owls hoot in the distance.
To express approval or derision by shouting or laughing loudly.
The crowd began to hoot in excitement when the performer took the stage.


Onomatopoeic; mimicking the sound made by owls.

Common Phrases and Expressions

hoot with laughter:
to laugh loudly and openly.
hoot at someone:
to criticize or mock someone.
a hoot and a half:
something that is very funny or entertaining.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

A good time or a fun experience.
That party was a hoot!
An amusing person or incident.
He's a real hoot, always making everyone laugh.