Meaning & Definition of Gallstone in English
Crystal-like deposits that form in the gallbladder.
/ˈɡɔːlstoʊn/Part of Speech:
gallstonesDetailed Definitions
Definition: A hardened deposit that can form in the gallbladder, usually made of cholesterol or bilirubin.
Example Sentence: She was diagnosed with gallstones after complaining of severe abdominal pain.
Definition: Gallstones can vary in size and may lead to gallbladder disease if not treated.
Example Sentence: The doctor explained that gallstones can cause inflammation of the gallbladder.
Origin: Middle English, from gall + stone
biliary calculicholesterol stonespigment stones
Common Phrases and Expressions
- gallbladder attack: A sudden onset of pain caused by gallstones affecting the gallbladder.
- passing a gallstone: The process in which a gallstone moves from the gallbladder or bile duct and is expelled.
- Spanish: cálculo biliar
- French: calcul biliaire
- German: Gallenstein
- Russian: желчный камень
Related Words
- gallbladder: An organ that stores bile, which can develop gallstones.
- bile: A digestive fluid produced by the liver that can form gallstones.
- cholesterol: A substance that can crystallize forming cholesterol gallstones.