Meaning & Definition of Forever in English
1. For a limitless time
- "No one can live forever"
- "Brightly beams our father's mercy from his lighthouse evermore"- p.p.bliss
- everlastingly,
- eternally,
- forever,
- evermore
2. For a very long or seemingly endless time
- "She took forever to write the paper"
- "We had to wait forever and a day"
- forever,
- forever and a day
3. Without interruption
- "The world is constantly changing"
- constantly,
- always,
- forever,
- perpetually,
- incessantly
Examples of using
I don't want to work at a fast-food place forever.
A part of me died with you, but you live inside me forever.
Give a man some bread, and he'll be full for a day. Give a man the name of Full, and he'll be full forever.