Meaning & Definition of word "Faro"






    • 1. A card game played with a dealing box, where players bet on the outcome of a game similar to poker.
      • Example: The casino featured several tables for players to engage in a lively game of faro.
    • 2. A type of gambling game popular in the 19th century, where players bet on cards that are turned over.
      • Example: He placed his bets at the faro table, hoping to win big.
    • 3. An establishment or area devoted to the game of faro.
      • Example: They decided to visit the local faro house to try their luck.


    • 1. A shortening for the term 'Faroese', referring to the language or people of the Faroe Islands.
      • Example: She learned basic phrases in Faro to communicate with her new friends from the archipelago.


    The word 'faro' comes from the Spanish language, derived from the word for 'lighthouse', alluding to the game's dealer being at the center of action.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    faro bank:

    The amount of money that can be bet at the faro table.

    faro dealer:

    The person who manages the game at the faro table.

    Related Words


    A card game similar to faro, also a gambling game.


    The act of betting money on games of chance.


    A facility for certain types of gambling activities.

    Slang Meanings of faro

    Meaning: To lose a significant amount of money quickly.

    Example Sentence: He went to the casino and faroed away his paycheck.

    Meaning: Playing a risky card game.

    Example Sentence: They were out late faro-ing at the tables.