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Meaning & Definition of Fact in English





1. A piece of information about circumstances that exist or events that have occurred

  • "First you must collect all the facts of the case"
  • fact

2. A statement or assertion of verified information about something that is the case or has happened

  • "He supported his argument with an impressive array of facts"
  • fact

3. An event known to have happened or something known to have existed

  • "Your fears have no basis in fact"
  • "How much of the story is fact and how much fiction is hard to tell"
  • fact

4. A concept whose truth can be proved

  • "Scientific hypotheses are not facts"
  • fact

Examples of using

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.
My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I'm right.
In no way does the fact that a text was written by a native speaker guarantee that it is any good.