Meaning & Definition of word "Yard"




  • 1. An area of land around a house or building, often used for gardening, recreation, or as a place for pets to roam.
    • Example: She spent the afternoon planting flowers in her yard.
  • 2. A unit of measurement equal to 3 feet or 36 inches, commonly used in measuring length.
    • Example: The fabric for the dress was sold by the yard.
  • 3. A place where certain activities take place, such as a railway yard or a shipyard.
    • Example: The train was parked in the railway yard overnight.
  • 4. An enclosed area used for a specific purpose.
    • Example: The children played in the schoolyard during recess.


Middle English yerd, from Old English gerd, which means enclosure.

Common Phrases and Expressions


An area at the back of a house.

yard sale:

A sale of used goods from a home.


A measuring stick that is one yard long.

yard work:

Work done in the yard or garden.

front yard:

An area at the front of a house.

Related Words


The activity of tending to a garden.


The practice of shaping the land for aesthetic or functional purposes.


A barrier enclosing a yard or garden.


A private road leading to a house or garage.


An outdoor space that's typically paved and used for dining or recreation.

Slang Meanings of yard

Meaning: A term for one's area or turf.

Example Sentence: This is my yard; you don't have permission to hang around here.

Meaning: Referring to a local area or neighborhood.

Example Sentence: You gotta check out what’s happening in the yard this weekend.