Meaning & Definition of word "Wrack"




  • 1. Wreckage; the destruction or ruin of something.
    • Example: After the storm, the beach was littered with the wrack of small boats.
  • 2. Seaweed or algae washed ashore.
    • Example: The wrack along the shore was teeming with small crabs and other marine life.


  • 1. To ruin or destroy; to cause extreme damage or distress.
    • Example: The earthquake wracked the town, leaving it in chaos.
  • 2. To cause intense physical or mental pain.
    • Example: Grief wracked her body, leaving her unable to function.


Middle English wrakken, from Old Norse vrekka meaning to throw or to cast away.

Common Phrases and Expressions

wrack one's brain:

To think very hard about something.

wrack and ruin:

Complete destruction or disarray.

wracked with pain:

Experiencing severe distress or suffering.

Related Words


To destroy or severely damage.


To place in a rack or frame.


Severe suffering of body or mind.

Slang Meanings of wrack

Meaning: To overwhelm someone with responsibilities or stress.

Example Sentence: I'm so wracked with work this week, I can't even think straight.

Meaning: To be in a state of emotional distress.

Example Sentence: After the breakup, he was totally wracked.