Meaning & Definition of word "Within"




  • 1. Inside the limits or boundaries of something.
    • Example: The treasure is hidden within the old castle.
  • 2. Not beyond or outside of a specified range or scope.
    • Example: Please stay within the designated area while the event is in progress.
  • 3. In the interior or inner part of.
    • Example: There are many secrets hidden within her heart.


  • 1. In or into the interior or inner part.
    • Example: He found the book hidden within.
  • 2. In a certain range of time or place.
    • Example: This task must be completed within the hour.


Middle English, from Old English 'wǽþin'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

within reach:

Close enough to be able to touch or grab.

within limits:

Not exceeding certain boundaries or constraints.

within reason:

Acceptable or sensible under the circumstances.

within one's means:

Affordable, not exceeding one's financial capability.

Related Words


Inside something.


The inner or indoor part of something.


To surround or close off something.

Slang Meanings of within

Meaning: Keeping something low-key or secret.

Example Sentence: Let’s keep this party within the group.

Meaning: Staying within limits; behaving.

Example Sentence: You need to keep it within, man!