

Meaning & Definition

A person or thing that is weak.
He is a weak in self-defense compared to his peers.
Having little physical strength or energy.
After his illness, he felt too weak to get out of bed.
Not strong in influence, effect, or force.
The argument presented was weak and lacked convincing evidence.
Easily damaged or broken.
The weak branches of the tree snapped under the weight of the snow.
Lacking in moral or intellectual strength.
She was criticized for her weak stance on important issues.
Not well or robust; susceptible to failure.
The company's weak financial performance raised concerns among investors.


Old English 'wēac', of Germanic origin; related to Dutch 'zwak' and German 'schwach'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

weak link:
A vulnerability in a system that can be exploited.
weak spot:
A particular area where someone or something is vulnerable.
weak sauce:
Something that is unimpressive or lacks substance.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Lame or unimpressive.
That joke was so weak, no one laughed.
Not cool or subpar.
His performance at the party was weak compared to everyone else's.