Meaning & Definition of word "Way"




  • 1. A method, style, or manner of doing something.
    • Example: She has a unique way of looking at problems.
  • 2. A route, course, or path.
    • Example: We took the scenic way to the mountain.
  • 3. A particular condition or state.
    • Example: He is in a bad way after the accident.
  • 4. A personal or social mannerism or habit.
    • Example: It's just his way to be so polite.


  • 1. At a distance or far.
    • Example: I live way out in the country.
  • 2. To a great degree; very.
    • Example: That's way too much sugar for me.


Old English 'weg', meaning a path or journey.

Common Phrases and Expressions

by the way:

used to introduce a new topic or add information.

no way:

expressing disbelief or refusal.

in a way:

partially or to some extent.

one way or another:

somehow; in any manner.

the way I see it:

according to my perspective.

Related Words


A way or track laid down for walking or made by continual treading.


A way or course taken in getting from a starting point to a destination.


A particular form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something.


A particular procedure by which something is done; a manner or way.

Slang Meanings of way

Meaning: A way of doing something that is cool or impressive.

Example Sentence: That was a slick way to handle the situation.

Meaning: To be far away or distant.

Example Sentence: She lives way out in the country.