

Meaning & Definition

A long, typically underground passage, dug through the ground or across a mountain, for the purpose of transporting people or vehicles.
The workers finished digging the tunnel that would connect the two cities.
An artificial passage in a building, structure, or among objects, such as a tunnel for vehicles.
The parking garage has a tunnel that leads directly to the elevator.
A similar passage or channel, especially in a biological context, such as a burrow in the ground.
The rabbit quickly disappeared into its tunnel when it sensed danger.
To make a tunnel through (something).
They plan to tunnel under the river to create a new transport route.
To move through a passage in a way that resembles the act of tunneling.
He had to tunnel his way through the snowdrift to reach the road.


Middle English 'tonnel', from Old French 'tonnel', diminutive of 'tone' meaning a barrel or cask.

Common Phrases and Expressions

dig a tunnel:
To create a passage by excavating earth.
tunnel vision:
A narrow focus on one aspect of a situation to the exclusion of others.
tunnel through:
To create a path by excavating through an obstacle.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

To tunnel under something
He plans to tunnel under the fence to access the other side.
Tunnel vision
She has tunnel vision on this project and isn't considering other options.