Meaning & Definition of word "Trying"




  • 1. to make an effort to do something, to attempt.
    • Example: She is trying to finish her project before the deadline.
  • 2. to test the quality, value, or usefulness of something.
    • Example: I am trying out a new recipe for dinner tonight.


  • 1. difficult or challenging, causing strain or discomfort.
    • Example: The trying circumstances of her life made her stronger and more resilient.
  • 2. testing one's patience or endurance.
    • Example: His trying behavior during the meeting made it hard for others to concentrate.
  • 3. disconcerting or bothersome.
    • Example: The long delays at the airport were trying for all the passengers.


From the verb 'try', meaning to make an attempt or effort.

Common Phrases and Expressions

trying times:

difficult or challenging periods in life.

trying someone's patience:

repeatedly testing someone's ability to remain calm.

trying to make ends meet:

struggling to manage financially.

Related Words


A vigorous or determined attempt.


A forceful or violent effort to get free of restraint or constriction.


A call to take part in a contest or competition.

Slang Meanings of trying

Meaning: Trying means doing your best.

Example Sentence: Even though it was hard, I kept trying.

Meaning: Trying can also refer to something annoying.

Example Sentence: This meeting is so trying; I wish it would end.