Meaning & Definition of word "Trickle"




  • 1. a small, slender stream.
    • Example: A gentle trickle of water was heard from the nearby brook.
  • 2. a slow and gradual flow or movement.
    • Example: There was a trickle of information coming from the press.


  • 1. to flow in a thin stream or in a slow and unsteady manner.
    • Example: The water began to trickle down the side of the mountain.
  • 2. to come or go slowly in small amounts.
    • Example: Visitors will trickle in throughout the day.


Middle English tricolen, frequentative of tricke, a variant of trick; akin to Old English trēocan to drip.

Common Phrases and Expressions

trickle down effect:

The way benefits or resources gradually flow from the top levels of a hierarchy to the lower levels.

trickle in:

To enter or arrive gradually.

make a trickle:

To create a small, slow flow of something.

Related Words


To fall in drops.


To allow liquid or gas to escape.


To move along in a steady stream.

Slang Meanings of trickle

Meaning: To move slowly or in a relaxed manner.

Example Sentence: I was just trickling through the park, enjoying the day.

Meaning: To come in slowly, often used in reference to people arriving.

Example Sentence: The party started slow; people were trickling in one by one.