

Meaning & Definition

a person who is staying or working in a place for only a short time.
The shelter provides services for transients who need a place to stay for the night.
a phenomenon or event that is temporary or short-lived.
The transients created by the brief power outage caused minor disruptions in the system.
lasting only for a short time; temporary.
The transient beauty of the sunset captivated everyone.
not permanent; remaining only briefly.
They took up transient residence in the city while looking for a more permanent home.


From Latin 'transiens', present participle of 'transire' which means 'to go across or beyond'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

transient nature:
The quality of being temporary or short-lived.
transient lifestyle:
A way of living that involves moving often and not staying in one place.
transient population:
A group of people who are not permanent residents in a location.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

A short-term stay, often used in the context of living arrangements.
He's just a transient in town, won't be here long.
Someone who frequently moves from place to place.
She's a transient, always hopping from one city to another.