

Meaning & Definition

A stiff, sharp-pointed woody projection on the stem or other part of a plant.
The rosebush was covered in thorns, making it difficult to reach the beautiful flowers.
A source of discomfort or annoyance.
His failure to meet the deadline became a thorn in his side throughout the project.
A symbol or representation of pain or suffering.
The poem used the thorn as a metaphor for the struggles of life.
To prick or sting with thorns.
I was careful not to thorn my hand while pruning the bushes.


From Old English 'þorn', akin to Old High German 'dorn', Latin 'spina'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

thorn in one's side:
A source of persistent annoyance or discomfort.
thorny issue:
A difficult or controversial subject.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

To be in a difficult situation.
He's in a thorn right now with all his assignments due.