Meaning & Definition of word "Tanner"




  • 1. A person who tans animal hides to make leather.
    • Example: The tanner carefully processed the hides to ensure the finest quality leather.
  • 2. A person who has a tan or engages in tanning.
    • Example: After a week at the beach, she looked like a true tanner with her sun-kissed skin.
  • 3. A device or machine used for tanning hides.
    • Example: The factory used a modern tanner to streamline the leather production process.


Middle English 'tanner', from Old English 'tannere', from 'tan', which means to make leather.

Common Phrases and Expressions

hide and seek:

A game involving hiding and finding.

tanning salon:

A business offering tanning services or products.

Related Words


To treat animal hides with tannin to create leather.


A material made from the skin of animals.

Slang Meanings of tanner

Meaning: Tanner as a term used to refer to someone who has a sun-kissed tan.

Example Sentence: After a week in Hawaii, she became quite the tanner.