Meaning & Definition of word "Superficial"




  • 1. Concerned only with what is obvious or apparent; not thorough or deep.
    • Example: The report provided a superficial analysis of the economic issues at hand.
  • 2. Existing or occurring at or on the surface; not penetrating deeply.
    • Example: The superficial layers of the skin are important for protection.
  • 3. Lacking in depth of understanding or feeling; shallow.
    • Example: Their conversation was rather superficial, lacking any meaningful connection.
  • 4. Relating to the surface of something.
    • Example: The superficial scratches on the table were hardly noticeable.


From Latin 'superficialis', from 'superficies' meaning surface.

Common Phrases and Expressions

superficial charm:

An appealing or attractive facade that lacks depth or sincerity.

superficial wounds:

Injuries that do not penetrate deeply, affecting only the outer layer.

superficial knowledge:

A limited and shallow understanding of a subject.

Related Words


The quality of having substance or intensity.


The outermost or uppermost boundary of an object.


Not deep; having little depth.

Slang Meanings of superficial

Meaning: Plastic

Example Sentence: Her plastic personality made it hard to trust her.

Meaning: Airhead

Example Sentence: He's such an airhead, only caring about looks and status.