Meaning & Definition of word "Streak"
- 1. A long, thin mark or line that differs in color or texture from its surroundings.
- Example: There was a bright streak of paint across the old wooden fence.
- 2. A series or a run of successes or failures in a particular activity.
- Example: The team is on a winning streak, having won their last five games.
- 3. A period during which someone behaves in a particular way, especially one that is repeated.
- Example: She has a streak of stubbornness that makes negotiations difficult.
- 1. To mark with a long, thin line or smear.
- Example: He decided to streak the canvas with bright colors to create a dynamic effect.
- 2. To run naked in a public place as a form of amusement.
- Example: During the festival, someone decided to streak through the streets, shocking the crowd.
●Middle English; from Old English streaca, meaning 'a trace' or 'a mark'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
lucky streak:
A period of good fortune.
streak of luck:
An unexpected or uncharacteristic run of good luck.
streak ahead:
To advance or win decisively.
Running or moving quickly, often used in a humorous context to refer to running naked in public.
Related Words
A long narrow band of color.
A small amount or a quick movement.
A long narrow mark or band.
Slang Meanings of streak
Meaning: To go streaking.
● Example Sentence: During the party, they dared each other to streak down the street.
Meaning: To win consecutively in gambling or sports.
● Example Sentence: He's been streaking on the slot machines all night.