Meaning & Definition of word "Stratum"




  • 1. A layer or level, often used in the context of geological or social hierarchies.
    • Example: The geologist carefully examined each stratum of rock to understand the formation's history.
  • 2. A group or class of people with similar social, economic, or educational characteristics.
    • Example: The study focused on the effects of education within different social strata.
  • 3. A sheet, layer, or level of material, as in biological sediment or tissue.
    • Example: The archaeologists uncovered a stratum rich in artifacts from the ancient civilization.
  • 4. In medicine, a layer of tissue or cell covering a surface or a bodily organ.
    • Example: The outer stratum of the skin protects the underlying layers from damage.
  • 5. In statistical analysis, a subset of a population used for sampling.
    • Example: The researchers divided the participants into strata to ensure diverse representation.


Latin, meaning 'layer' or 'bed'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

stratum of society:

A specific layer or class within a societal hierarchy.

geological stratum:

A distinct layer of rock or soil in geology.

social stratum:

A level or class in a society.

Related Words


The arrangement or classification of strata.


To arrange or classify into layers.


An underlying layer or substance.

Slang Meanings of stratum

Meaning: Social class

Example Sentence: He's from the upper stratum of society.

Meaning: Layer of complexity

Example Sentence: There are multiple strata to his argument.