

Meaning & Definition

to make something conform to a standard.
The company aims to standardize its production processes across all factories.
to establish a standard for a procedure or product.
The goal of the committee is to standardize measurements in scientific research.
to make uniform or consistent.
Efforts were made to standardize the software updates across all devices.


From standard + -ize.

Common Phrases and Expressions

standard measure:
A fixed unit of measure used as a standard for comparison.
set a standard:
To establish a criterion or benchmark.
standard of living:
The level of wealth, comfort, and material goods available to a certain socioeconomic class.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Get on the same page
We need to standardize our approaches; let's all get on the same page.
Level the playing field
By standardizing testing, we can level the playing field for all students.