

Meaning & Definition

The act or process of noticing or identifying something; detection.
The spotting of the rare bird attracted many ornithologists to the area.
A small mark or stain, typically of a different color.
There were brown spotting on the otherwise white fabric of the shirt.
A brief episode of vaginal bleeding between periods.
She was concerned about the spotting she experienced before her menstrual cycle.
The act of observing or identifying something.
Spotting good opportunities in the market requires experience and intuition.


Derived from the verb 'spot', meaning to see or to identify.

Common Phrases and Expressions

spotting scope:
A type of telescope used primarily for viewing distant objects.
spotting errors:
The act of identifying mistakes in a document or performance.
spotting a trend:
Recognizing a pattern or trend in data or behavior.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

To show interest or notice someone in a social context.
He was spotting all the cute girls at the party.
To lend or give someone help or support.
Can you spot me some cash until payday?