Meaning & Definition of word "Snore"




  • 1. A harsh or hoarse sound made while snoring.
    • Example: The room was filled with the sound of his snore, drowning out the television.
  • 2. A session or instance of snoring.
    • Example: Last night, his snore was so loud that it woke everyone in the house.


  • 1. To breathe during sleep with a harsh, hoarse sound, often caused by vibrations of the soft palate.
    • Example: He tends to snore loudly when he's exhausted from work.
  • 2. To sleep in a way that makes a snoring sound.
    • Example: She fell asleep on the couch and began to snore softly.


Medieval Dutch 'snoren', meaning to snore or to grunt.

Common Phrases and Expressions

sawing logs:

A colloquial expression for loud snoring.

snore fest:

A situation or event where something is extremely dull or boring.

snore one's head off:

To snore very loudly.

Related Words


The act or sound of snoring.


A person who snores.

sleep apnea:

A sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing or shallow breaths during sleep.

Slang Meanings of snore

Meaning: To be boring or uninteresting.

Example Sentence: That movie was such a snore.

Meaning: To fall asleep quickly.

Example Sentence: I snored out on the couch after dinner.