Meaning & Definition
The front part of the leg below the knee.
He felt a sharp pain in his shin after he tripped on the sidewalk.
The corresponding part of the leg of an animal; specifically, the lower leg.
The butcher prepared the shin of beef for the stew.
To strike one's shin, typically against a hard object.
I shinned the table leg when I walked by too closely.
Old English 'scinna', related to Old High German 'scinna' meaning 'shin'.
Common Phrases and Expressions
shin splints:
A condition causing pain along the shin bone, often related to exercise.
shin up:
To climb quickly, usually by using one's legs and arms.
Slang Meanings
A term for leg in some informal contexts.
After the hike, my shins were sore.
Referring to someone who is tall and thin.
Look at him, he's got shins for days!