

Meaning & Definition

In a sequential manner; one after another in order.
The steps in the procedure must be completed sequentially to ensure accurate results.
Following a logical order of progression.
The books in the series are meant to be read sequentially, as each one builds on the events of the previous.
In order of time or occurrence.
The data points were collected sequentially over a period of three months.
Arranged or occurring in a specific order, often numerically or chronologically.
The events unfolded sequentially, creating a narrative that was easy to follow.


Derived from 'sequence' plus the adverb-forming suffix '-ally'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

in sequence:
In a specific order or arrangement.
follow sequentially:
To proceed in a particular order.
arranged sequentially:
Organized in a specific progression.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Step-by-step process.
Let’s tackle this project sequentially so we don’t miss anything.
Ordered execution.
You gotta do that sequentially; otherwise, it’ll mess up everything.